Episode 72 of the Disability Visibility Project – it’s me!
Also: spoke with Mike Layward at Midlands Arts Papers Launch and for the Research/Curate podcast.
Episode 72 of the Disability Visibility Project – it’s me!
Also: spoke with Mike Layward at Midlands Arts Papers Launch and for the Research/Curate podcast.
If you missed the event in the summer – catch up here: See the piece here:
Installation/Performance/Interactive Piece I sit at a desk with mouth taped, so demonstrably mute. People sit, if they want, and write down a memory or event they didn’t like, or an action they were ashamed of, or a secret that burdens them. I tip-ex over the text. I write a new event/memory to replace it….
Again with a composite news post after bloomin’ ages – knuckle-wrap for slackness! Unstable II sold at Sothebys in April. This time a crank stand, so 4 different configurations of the piece! Unstable III was featured in a show called Vice & Virtue, at Ruup & Form Gallery, in London. Our film of Breathing Room…
I found time on my residency in Fljotstunga for some cone interventions:
Just back from the ArtOmi residency programme in upstate New York. It’s a fascinating programme that brings together thirty artists from all over the world to inspire each other and to meet people from the New York art world. I find being around other artists generally really inspiring, but it goes without saying that I…
My new piece ‘Atomize‘ is showing as part of MK Calling at Milton Keynes Gallery. You can see it before 27th March. A little birdy tells me somebody wants to buy it!